Thursday, November 20, 2008

te stiu, ahhh cum te stiu!

all of the king's horses and all of the king's men
couldn't pull my heart back together again
all of the physicians and mathematicians too
failed to stop my heart from breaking in two

am ascultat-o de 359 de ori. tare, cat sa simt efectul de balon strans in maini de la inceput. sa vina refrenul peste mine, sa ma cotropeasca in stil hun!

cos all i need is you
i just need you
yeah you got the glue so i'm gonna give my heart to you

imi misc incaltarile circular prin agentie si dau valuri-valuri din fusta-scurta-gogosar. cerceii cu clopotei stiu ei cum sa ma ajute. m-am pierdut in cantecul asta. pentru ca am avut si premonitia, am tinut si filmul in mana.

i had a premonition
a movie in my hand
confirming my suspicions of what i would find
it followed me to l a
down to mexico
came in through the back door at the start of the show

si iar ma cotropeste refrenul...

still all i need you
i just need you
yeah you got the glue so i'm gonna give my heart to you

asta-i bucata din alt cantec, lipita bine de tot. mesteri cu letconul in toata regula baietii astia!

oh was a perfect day
oh in a perfect way
you know something had go
you left me high
you left me low

ajungem la ce simt eu chiar acum, cand scriu o mica povestioara dezlanata, plina de muzica. chiar trebuia sa te culci cu toti?

now as i lie in pieces and wait for your return
the sun upon my forehead it burns baby burns baby burns
an eye on all my horses
you've slept with all my men
i'm never gonna get it together again

cotropita, cotropita, rotunjoara si cotropita...

still all i need is you
i just need you
yeah you got the glue
so i'm gonna give my heart to you
yeah you got the glue and there's nothing i can do
yeah you got the glue so i'm gonna give my heart to you

si efectul de final- iluminare, trompete ingeresti. cum sa-l gasesti pe dumnezeul tau, daca nu facandu-ti praf coaja, biata inima humpty-dumpty?


Iren said...

trop trop trop
nu e muzica instrumentala mai buna? ce atatea versuri!

Iren said...

muzica instrumentala de restaurant! ce poate fi mai frumos?

ruki said...

ba, nu e un moment bun pentru muzica instrumentala in capul meu.
mi-e foame de cuvinte

ruki said...

numai muzica neinstrumentala de restaurant

Anonymous said...

Merci, merci, ce cantec frumos, l-am si gasit

Uite, iti dau si eu unul:)

ruki said...

nu-i asa ca-i frumos? tu auzi sunetul baloanelor stanse in maini de la inceput, sau sunt eu nebuna?

mi se pare un super cantec de pirat asta. pana la urma, gandeste-te: unde-i noiembrie mai aprig decat pe mare? mi-a placut mult de tot, multumesc!
